Friday, March 25, 2011


Even before that happened, this happened...

Never use Tomcat brand mousetraps- I didn't catch a single mouse with them. Stick with the trusty old Victor variety. They may look crude and old school, but they work. They worked 8 times. They're cheaper too.

Dealing with mice is kinda like fishing, but worse.

BONUS TIP: If you have mice, buy a can of caulk (a good brand is Great Stuff) and obsessively go around every inch of your walls where they meet the floors. Inside closets, underneath sinks (especially where pipes go into the walls), behind refrigerators, behind dishwashers, behind ovens, underneath radiators, etc. Caulk up any hole that is bigger than a nickel in size. Mice are versatile creatures, don't underestimate them. Leave traps out (with peanut butter). As long as you keep catching mice you know you've missed a spot somewhere.

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